Sunday, 4 October 2009

Promotion: Don't be shy!

We've all been there: Your shop is set up, everything is ready to go. You list an item and BANG. . . nothing. Absolutely nothing happens. You're item is dropped into the world of Etsy and unless you do something, that's were it's going to stay. It may be disheartening to look at your view counter and see a big fat zero but don't just sit there - do something about it!

You're shop is just a drop in the ocean of Etsy. It seems silly to take out an advertisement that could be costly and maybe not even that effective! Even the Etsy Showcase with it's inexpensive rates has often been dismissed by Etsy sellers due to it's poor return in terms of views and sales.

So what's a poor little Etsy seller to do? Well here are some things I have tried, and the best bit? They are all free!

  • Try designing your own business cards and print them off at home. Not only do these give people essential info if they want to purchase from you but it also shows you are a professional seller - even if you don't quite believe it yet.
  • If you make wearable items such as jewelry or clothes then don't be afraid to wear them out and about to work or at a party. You'll be amazed at how many people will ask about your item. And when they do just whip out your flash business card, give it to them and say (with buckets of confidence), "I made it myself."
  • Friends or family are your best salespeople! You might find it hard bragging about yourself but they certainly won't! If your items wearable give them one or two for free and give them a stash of business cards so they can throw them at anyone that asks
  • Try hanging around the Etsy forums. Not only can you pick up great tips but you can help other etsy sellers. The best bit is that potential customers can click on your avatar and visit your shop. Be careful though, remember that what you say will be viewed by potential customers so try to be positive and don't complain about low sales or bad customers.
  • Twitter! Yes I know it can be daunting and you might think it's useless. But if it gets you a couple of views on a newly listed item then what's the harm. Read this blog post for a bit more help.

Word of mouth is a powerful tool, one not to be underestimated just because it doesn't have an expensive price tag. So use it wisely and hopefully the connections you make with potential customers will turn into multiple sales and return buyers!

Friday, 2 October 2009

Music of the Moment

This week I've been going through my iTunes library and discovered all those songs I'd forgotten about. I know one of the things that make my day is when the good old iPod is on shuffle and a great, long ignored song, pops up and you remember just how much you like it :)

My top 10 songs this week have been:
1. Fifteen - Taylor Swift
2. I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
3. In Another Life - The Veronicas
4. Thinking of You - Katy Perry
5. Ave Maria - Beyonce
6. One Foot Wrong - Pink
7. Lucky - Jason Mraz
8. American Pie - Don McLean
9. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something
10. Wonderwall - Oasis

So thats what I've been listening to this week - what about you?